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seismic belt中文是什么意思

用"seismic belt"造句"seismic belt"怎么读"seismic belt" in a sentence


  • 地震带


  • The philippines is an archipelago of 7 , 107 islands , islets , rocks and sandbars lying within the pacific seismic belt
    菲律宾是由7 , 107个群岛,岛屿、岛礁和沙洲组成的岛国,她位于太平洋的地震带里。
  • The disastrous earthquake that occurred west of northern sumatra over the indian ocean on 26 december 2004 was located on the latter seismic belt
  • Within one year after m ( subscript s ) 6 earthquake occurring , tienshan seismic belt is main response region of mid - strong earthquakes , which is significant for short - term prediction
  • Big tsunamis are caused by great submarine earthquakes that mainly occur along the circum - pacific seismic belt , and along the active seismic belt between the eurasian tectonic plate and the indian - australian tectonic plate
  • Good results have been got from fitting temporal distribution of over 8 earthquakes in north china and the northern segment of north - south seismic belt with three kind distributions that have 25 years ' cycle
  • The study area is located in the southwestern end of the southeastern coast seismic belt , in which there occurred a earthquake with m ( subscript s ) = 7 . 5 in history in qiongzhou , and two earthquakes with m ( subscript s ) = 6 . 1 and 6 . 2 in the north bay in the middle 90 ' s last century
    摘要本文研究范围属东南沿海地震带西南端,历史上曾发生过琼州7 . 5级大地震,上世纪90年代中期,在北部湾发生过6 . 1级和6 . 2级地震。
  • Therefore , the relationships of macroseismic epicentres and seismic epicentres of 133 main earthquakes in china and 66 events in north - south seismic belt with the active faults around these events are analyzed at detail in this paper . according to such results , a practical method to identify the most possible location of macroseismic epicentre has been proposed by the active faults around the instrumental epicentres
用"seismic belt"造句  
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